Commercial Aquaculture and Aquaponics Farming


La Pieus Aqua Holdings (Pty) Ltd is one of the industry leaders in Aquaponics and Aquaculture. Founded and established by the young Aquapreneur – Rikalize Reinecke in 2014 the ventures she started has grown rapidly and today comprises of four Companies in the Holdings Group. La Pieus Aqua Holdings specialize in:- System designs, Consulting services, Manufacturing, Training and Implementation and rival the best in the industry and build a common vision for sustainable food production with Aquaculture and Aquaponics, thereby contributing towards global food security.

The company has a highly qualified group of professionals that approach aquaponics  and aquaculture with innovative and adaptable designs, consistent project management,  protocols and the highest level of training and customer integration.

Our systems and designs are modelled on the concept of environmental responsibility through simplicity in design and ease of use. Regardless of its scope or size, every project benefit from our dedication and due diligence. Considering every design to be unique, generally, the designs adapt to local conditions, use locally-available materials, and respect local customs and traditions. We engage partners, local suppliers and businesses to facilitate the successful completion of projects. La Pieus Aqua Holdings believes this is key to its successful model, as it not only supports local businesses but also facilitates the ease of maintenance and repairs and fills the need for the supply of locally sourced food.

We are continuously working on improving our standards and supporting framework by associating with scientists, NGO`s, aquaculture producers, training institutions, retail and foodservice companies and consumers to recognize and strive towards operational excellence in establishing responsible aquaponics systems, processes, and projects.